
GameDev Cardiff

  1. When did you join Startup Stiwdio?


The team became members in January 2024 


  1. What courses did you study at USW?


Courtney – BA Hons Computer Games Design 

Finn – BA Hons Computer Games Design 

Bel – BA Graphic Communications (2nd year currently) 

Josh – Computer Games Development BSc 

Bex – BA Scriptwriting 

Luke – Creative Music Technologies BA & Music Engineering and Production MSc 


  1. Tell us about GameDev Cardiff and how it came about?


We are a motley crew of individuals from all different branches of the game development family tree, united in the goal of fostering a friendly, open, and supportive community to the game dev scene of Cardiff and Wales. 

The community is led by a team of six volunteers, all students and alumni of USW who met at social meets for what once was the Games Wales community. 

Our raison d’etre is to bridge the gap between creatives of all walks of life, bringing industry experience, skills and mentorship to smaller developers, and creating a space where passionate creatives can find the connections and the guidance they need to best support and encourage them in their endeavors – and maybe just have some fun along the way. 


  1. What support have you gained from the Startup Stiwdio?


Startup Stiwdio have been an incredible help so far, from connecting us with all manner of helpful folks both industry and indie, to providing the venue for us to host a site for Global Game Jam 2024, which was our first official event. 


  1. What are your 3 main goals for 2024?


We hope to: 

-Hold quarterly talks to teach and inspire the community 

-Hold quarterly game jams to keep those creative juices flowing 

-Strengthen our connection with creative & gaming sectors of the local government to be in a position to offer strong & tangible support to our community 


  1. Do you have social media links? Please list below. 

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